Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We've Moved!!!

As of January 1st, I've moved my blog to my website at

Join me there for more Superfund News!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Developers in Manville NJ want the Rustic Mall Property Removed from the Superfund National Priority List

The Rustic Mall Property is a 10 acre site in Manville New Jersey contaminated with creosote. The site has undergone years of cleanup. The town of Manville and the developers want this site removed from the National Priority List (NPL) so the former site can be developed, which can add revenue to the town, increase attractiveness and shed off the negative image of a superfund site. Many town folk mistakenly believe that the only necessary measure is that the owner of the site gain necessary state approved deed notice. To be removed from the Superfund Priority List does not mean that the site is clean and is not contaminated. A site needs to undergo at least 5 years of groundwater monitoring to verify that the cleanup action has met the Record of Decision criteria, then and only then can a site be deleted from the NPL List, which is really what the developers desire. I hope this explanation clarifies the situation.